Living With Us

Hi there! You’ve probably landed on this page because you’re coming to live with us very soon, or you’ve just arrived and you’re curious about Wood’s Homes.

If you’re headed here – let us fill you in on what this place is all about.

First of all, don’t be afraid. We are an organization that helps families and children – just like you – get over some rough spots in their lives. It’s important you know that every family has problems. No family is perfect. It’s also important that you know young people can have many different kinds of problems, too.

We think that once you get here, you’re going to feel better about yourself, your family and eventually about everything that’s going on in your life right now. That may seem pretty impossible to you, but give it some time and give Wood’s Homes a chance – you never know what might happen.

We know you’ve been through some challenging times – you’ll have that in common with a whole lot of the other young people who live here. We also know a lot about what you have done, will do and will not want to stop doing – after all, we have more than 100 years of experience!

And, we never give up. We won’t give up on you or your family. Some young people here have incredible stories to tell – stories of hardship and stories that are sad, but also stories that will give you lots of reasons for hope and reasons to trust us. Completely.

And you know what? You are going to teach us a lot, too. One of the reasons we are good at what we do is because we’ve had a lot of practice, practice making mistakes, and learning about what kids need and want. So we listen – hard.

The people who work here are with us because they care about young people – just like you. They know your potential and they know that you are about to take responsibility for making positive changes in your life.

We also know that this is probably the last place you want to come to live, but while you’re here we’ll make sure to make it as comfortable, safe, fun and supportive as possible as you begin your treatment process. Our campuses are on beautiful properties with lots of trees and there’s lots to do here.

If you have questions that aren’t answered here, feel free to ask your key worker once you get here. And remember – there is no dumb question.

We can’t wait to meet you!