Community Group Care & Specialized Group Care
These programs help young people with complicated mental health diagnoses and very special needs transition into the next steps of adulthood. Clients are supported with life-skills development and full-time care from an interdisciplinary team that works to build confidence and independence.

This program works with adolescent males (ages 14-17) who have Alberta Children’s Services status. Focus is on developing healthy attachments, and building social, moral, emotional, physical and cognitive competency. So called because it is located in this southwest community of Calgary.
- Calgary
- Individual
- Ages 14-17

U12 Collingwood
A short-term safe refuge for children who are behaviourally at-risk and have broken down or are at risk of breaking down their current caregiver placements. So called because the program is located in this northwest community of Calgary.
- Calgary
- Individual
- Ages 6-12

Community Stabilization
A short-term placement that provides 24/7 therapeutic crisis service for young people, and a safe place for those experiencing homelessness, family crisis, placement breakdown or require temporary housing.
- Calgary
- Family
- Ages 13-17

The Lighthouse Program
Specialized, community-based live-in programs for children and youth (12-17) with complex service needs. Clients present extreme behaviours that outstrip the resources of non-customized placements and supports.
- Calgary
- Individual
- Ages 12-17

14th Street
A live-in program that provides a highly-supported, family-like setting where young people learn life skills, self-management and independence under clinical supervision. So-called because it is located on this street in northwest Calgary.
- Calgary
- Individual
- Ages 12-17

Iska Personalized Community Centre Program
The Iska program offers wraparound services for one identified client. The program is in the community and has been constructed to meet the specific needs of one client.
- Calgary
- Individual
- Ages 6-17