Indigenous Initiatives

At Wood’s Homes, our Indigenous Initiatives are guided by traditional protocols, ceremony, and our relationships with community Elders and Knowledge Keepers. We celebrate and honour Indigenous connections, including the lands on which our programs and services are located today.

The process of growth for Wood’s Homes includes a steady commitment to following direction of the many Elders and Knowledge Keepers who have taught us about the way in which we gain the knowledge to care in a cultural way. This has been done through protocol, the passing of prints and tobacco to earn the many cultural gifts we hold today. We now hold these gifts as a community, and they continue to guide us to new ways of being in relationship with all those we hold close to our hearts.

Let us continue to learn, grow, and heal together. Let us create the ‘Good Life’ so the future generations can be successful in all ways they choose to be in this world.

Our Journey of Learning

  • Honouring cultural diversity
  • Seeking guidance from Elders and Knowledge Keepers
  • Following traditional protocols and steps to seeking knowledge
  • Amplifying community and cultural connections
  • Walking alongside children, families, and communities

Indigenous Protocols

We are respectful of traditional ways of being. Wood’s Homes Manager of Indigenous Initiatives and Indigenous Liaison supports the agency with proper protocols.

Approaching Indigenous Knowledge Keepers:

We acknowledge the many steps that have been taken to gain cultural and traditional knowledge, the many stories, medicines, and blessings held by many Elders and Knowledge Keepers. We continuously listen to find the most appropriate ways of walking along many Indigenous children, youth, and families. Our community has been blessed to have access to ceremony and our collective knowledge continues to grow.

Land Acknowledgements:

Wood’s Homes is proudly a provincial organization. We humbly acknowledge the many First Nations, and Metis districts from the most Southern parts of the province to the most Northern parts. We acknowledge their contributions and responsibilities as caregivers to the lands they have walked since time and immemorial. We are all treaty people, and Wood’s Homes is committed to coming together in a good way that continues to build good relations for all people.

“This knowledge is held in the creation stories of many nations, how creator sent the Thunderbird to bring that spark of life into all things. The Rock, water, deer, beaver, moose, tree, worms, ants, eagle, crows, all creation has a spirit, that spark of life, they are our helpers, and it is our job to care for them as a people so the many generations ahead of us can have these special gifts.” 

Indigenous Ceremony

Indigenous ceremony is a sacred way of connecting with the Creator, ceremonies and traditional teachings are shared by respected Indigenous Elders and Knowledge Keepers. This knowledge strengthens our relationship with all of creation. We deepen our understanding of our purpose and direction in life, in our families, in our nations, and in our communities.  

The blessings of knowledge and connection exists with the understanding that children and youth seek out the connection to the teachings through Elders. “Elders are connected to the spirit of the child, the child is connected to the spirit of our Elders. Bringing them together to support connection, knowledge, and blessings is our shared responsibility.” 

Many different programs within Wood’s Homes have found connection, strength, and healing through ceremonies, dance, songs, feasts, gatherings, language, and knowledge passed down from Elders and Knowledge Keepers.

Community Practice and Working Together:

Our focus on the strengths of the child, youth, family and community guides us to use an integrated approach to supporting in both clinical and cultural approaches.  

When connecting, supporting, and being with Indigenous children, youth, and families, we adopt trauma-informed approaches, and continually learn from and build relationships with Elders and Knowledge Keepers to respectfully integrate ceremony, healing practices, treatment and therapy.  

matotisân asinîy Tye Rhyno
Manager Indigenous Initiatives

Indigenous Initiatives Team

Wood’s Homes is proud of the Indigenous staff who are working with us. Our Indigenous Initiatives team continues to guide our community in connection to communities, Elders, Knowledge Keepers and families. For more information, please contact [email protected].

Latest Updates

Over the next few months, we will be embarking on the further development of our Indigenous Initiatives team, including the creation of a new Centre, which will be located on the 2nd floor of the Parkdale Administration building.

This Indigenous Initiatives Centre will have four primary areas of focus including:

  • Community and Nations Engagement
  • Ceremony and Cultural Activities
  • Community of Practice
  • Consultation, and Employee Recruitment and Support.


Our relationship with each other is our medicine. We strive to create safe and equitable spaces for Indigenous peoples. We recognize the legacy of colonialism and the intergeneratoinal impact of the Indian Residential School system.

Over the last five years considerable efforts have been made to create cultural safety for children and families within the Wood’s Homes community. We have many allies within Wood’s Homes, and they continue to amplify the voices of Indigenous children, families, communities and staff.

We engage in open dialogue to increase understanding of our shared history and and explore the meaning of reconciliation. Through ceremony, we build respectful and reciprocal relationships within and among diverse communities.