Eric's Story


Wood’s Homes changed my life. This is my story…

My name is Eric and I first came to Wood’s Homes 17 years ago.

I was what you’d call a “problem child”.

My family was really messed up. So I came to live at Wood’s Homes when I was only 9 years old. I spent my childhood in and out of Wood’s programs. I was just a kid.

A lot happened when I was young – my memory is a bit scrambled.  I blamed my problems on other people. I blamed everything on everyone else. I had a lot of issues.

I guess you could say I was a scared kid.

But when I turned 18, I went out on my own…pretty quick, I was living the “oilfield dream”…but it was a nightmare. Things got out of control fast. I got hooked on a bunch of stuff. I was in bad shape and didn’t know what to do.

But thanks to you, I knew Wood’s Homes would always be here to help. It was a safe place.  My safe place.

I went to EXIT Outreach, where young people that live on the streets can get help. But when I got to the doors, I almost didn’t go in. I was nervous to come back. I knew I needed help…but it’s hard to ask. I was so close to walking away.

But when I walked in…guess who’s sitting there? Gary.

Gary is a counsellor at Wood’s Homes. I met Gary 17 years ago when I first lived with Wood’s. I had a big bushy beard…wasn’t looking too good – but Gary recognized me right away.

Within minutes, we were going down memory lane. I look at Gary as the dad I never had. He was always there, no matter what. I could always talk to him.  

I’ve had my ups and downs…but the whole time, there have been people at Wood’s that care. Wood’s Homes never gave up on me.

Soon after I came back to Wood’s, I became a dad. I think my kids saved my life. The second I held my son, everything changed. You don’t know love until you have kids.

In my time at Wood’s, I learned about family. I learned about responsibility. I know I’ve got to be sober. I’ve got to break the cycle – I’m a dad now. I need to be a parent. It’s not easy, but I can’t let a bad moment ruin my day.

For me, a good day is another day sober. I just look at a picture of my kids to stay on track.

The people at Wood’s have my back. That means a lot. I know I can find support and help at Wood’s if I need it.

Thanks for giving kids and young people like me a safe place to go.
