Mckayla's Story


McKayla arrived at Wood’s Homes with a lot of anxiety and very low self-confidence. She was a client in our New Horizon program which is stable and supportive housing for young adults (ages 18-24) who are at risk of being homeless. 

One afternoon, our employment program (LEAD) supervisor John saw a Help Wanted sign in the window of a local café and decided to ask if they’d be willing to take a chance on McKayla; a chance that they decided to give her.

She worked there for about 6 months before deciding to go back to school. On her last day, she sat with John overcome with emotion and unable to speak. She also used money from her last paycheque to buy the café owners a gift card as a thank you for the opportunity.

A note to John from McKayla after her last shift:

“I’m sorry I couldn’t make out the words when I left. I just wanted to let you guys know how much I appreciate the opportunity you gave me and for bearing with me on my roughest days. The last several months have been a time of immense personal growth and skill development whether you’ve noticed or not. Take care.”