Dez's Story


I want to share my story with you, if you have the time to read it…

My name is Dez, and thanks to you, I can tell my story. There was a time when I wasn’t sure I’d be here to tell it.

I first came to Wood’s Homes 7 years ago.

At the time, I was living on the street.

You see – my family was involved with Children’s Services when I was a kid. I grew up with different foster parents, moving around a lot. I bounced around. I never really had a ‘home’ growing up.

Then when I was 17, I became homeless. Living on the street became my new normal. I was ‘sleeping rough’…finding any place I could to try and get some rest at night. I often slept under bridges to try and stay safe.

I felt so lost and alone.

‘Street life’ was overwhelming. The reality was not pretty… When could I eat again? Was it safe to close my eyes and get some rest? I was exhausted every day.

Then I found something that would change my life forever… I stumbled upon Wood’s Homes’ EXIT Youth Hub. I saw a big group of homeless kids going in, so I followed them in.

I didn’t even know these services existed!

I began going to EXIT for help with food, showers…And one day, I was brave enough to ask about counselling.

Since then, my life has changed so much – thanks to you!

Wood’s Homes has shown me how to change my life.

I was able to find a job. I found a stable place to live. With a lot of hard work, I got my high school diploma. With your help, Wood’s Homes was even able to help me pay for tutoring.

These days, I volunteer at Wood’s Homes and I even work as a peer mentor. In 2021, I will be going to Mount Royal University for the Child Studies and Youth Worker program. I’m so excited! I want to help kids like me find their way.

Thank you … SO, SO MUCH. Along my journey, Wood’s Homes and you never gave up on me.

I don’t know where I’d be without your help and without Wood’s Homes.


P.S. Please don’t give up on the other kids like me – they need your help, especially right now during COVID-19. Donate today and let them know you care.

P.P.S. Thank you for ALL your support!