Cole's Story


Cole was referred to Wood’s Homes by Alberta Health Services. He had been diagnosed with ADHD when he was around 8. Prior to arriving here he was having trouble in school, skipping and becoming increasingly hard to manage. He was described as smart and sensitive by his teachers, but his high and lows were very hard to work with. He would go from calm to irate to totally shut down in seconds.

In junior high school he was bullied, his grades plummeted and he eventually just stopped going altogether. At home, he became aggressive. A suicide attempt landed him in the hospital.

His parents considered his problems a school issue, not a mental health issue, but once they were referred to Wood’s Homes, both were very engaged in Cole’s treatment.

In his time with us, we worked with Cole to rebuild trust, safety planning, better sleeping habits, routines and communication.

After Cole left our program, we provided in-home support and follow-up. His parents know that can call us any time, day or night when Cole is in crisis; and they have. But these calls have occurred less and less frequently as Cole is learning to work through difficult emotions on his own in healthier ways.

Cole is back at home now, but still attends the William Taylor Learning Centre on our Parkdale campus. The goal is to get him back enrolled in high school and Wood’s Homes will be right alongside him and his family for this important transition.