Anthony's Story


Anthony was 5 when he came to our Capitol Hill program after being apprehended due to domestic violence concerns in his home. As anyone with young children knows, this is an age when children absorb everything, including abusive behaviours and the emotions that go along with them.

Anthony had started to become violent and something needed to be done about his home life and the behaviours he had started to exhibit.

His arrival at Capitol Hill was the first time Anthony had been out of his mother’s care and his first night in the program was heartbreaking. He was so small and so scared.

Fast forward about a month. Children are resilient: They bounce back, and Anthony was no different. He adjusted to being at Capitol Hill and made quite the impression on our staff. They say they’re lucky to have met such a hilarious, smart, affectionate and playful young boy. Anthony bonded with a few staff over his love of reptiles and it wasn’t long before he looked and acted much happier.

After a few months, Anthony moved in with his grandparents. He has regular visits with his parents and the whole family is working with Wood’s Homes to be reunited as soon as they are ready.